河北防滲膜廠家 防滲膜施工應該注意哪些問題

河北防滲膜廠家 防滲膜施工應該注意哪些問題

防滲膜在運輸過程中不要拖拉、硬拽,避免尖銳物刺傷。 1、 應從底部向高位延伸,不要拉得太緊,應留有1.50%的余幅,以備局部下沉拉伸。考慮到本工程的實際情況,邊坡采取從上到下的鋪設順序; 2、 相鄰兩幅的縱向接頭不應在一條水平線上,應相互錯開1m以上; 3、縱向接頭應距離壩腳、彎腳處1.50m以上,應設在平面上; 4、先邊坡后場底; 5、邊坡鋪設時,展膜方向應基本平行于最大坡度線。

Shandong Laiwu with the benefit of soil engineering synthetic material limited company, is located in the east of Taishan Laiwu High-tech Development Zone, location, transportation is convenient. The main products of the company are short fiber needle-punched geotextile, filament spunbond geotextile, woven geotextiles, ecological bag, composite geomembrane, geotextile, HDPE geomembrane, soft pervious pipe, three-dimensional drainage network, bentonite composite waterproofing pad, plastic blind ditch ( speed scheduling dragon ) and no spinning cloth.

Hebei impervious membrane manufacturers impermeable membrane construction should pay attention to what the problem

Impermeable membrane in the process of transportation do not drag, drag, avoid sharp stick injury. 1, from the bottom to the upper extension, do not pull too tightly, there should be1.50% of the paintings, for the local subsidence stretching. Considering the actual conditions of the project, from top to bottom slope by laying order;2, two adjacent longitudinal joints shall not in a horizontal line, should stagger1m above;3, longitudinal joints shall be above 1.50M, bending at the foot of the distance, should be located in the plane;4, first at bottom slope slope;5, laying, film spreading direction substantially parallel to the maximum gradient line.

山東萊蕪同利土工合成材料有限公司 版權所有 總經理:陳志強 手機:13863484108
地址:山東省萊蕪市高新區呂花園工業園  電話:0634-5961578 5961579 傳真:0634-5958849 郵箱:lwtongli.cn@163.com
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