復合土工膜規格選擇墊平坦,材料的承諾,拉伸應力,彈性模量,躺在最大頭和蓋最大粒徑,土工膜厚度的設計除了要考慮主要由水壓力強度,還應考慮暴露,埋葬,氣候,生活服務和應用條件,按照國家現行的相關標準確定設計厚度與實際厚度。這個項目的綜合分析和計算,大壩邊坡防滲層使用規格為200 g / 0.3mm/200g針灸短期雙滌綸布一膜,底部防滲毯層使用規格為150 g / 0.25針灸短期滌綸布一膜,寬度為400萬。
Composite geomembrane reservoir reinforcement project in the choice of specificationsComposite geomembrane is powerful, be used for a variety of large-scale projects. But in every project, composite geomembrane selection is not the same. Below, geotextile manufacturers for you about composite geomembrane is applied in reservoir reinforcement project in the choice of specifications.Composite geomembrane specifications plain Tan, materials promise, tensile stress, elastic modulus, lying in the maximum head and cover the maximum size, geomembrane thickness design in addition to consider mainly by water pressure strength, should also consider exposure, bury, climate, life service and application conditions, according to the country active related standards to determine the design of the thickness and the actual thickness. The project of comprehensive analysis and calculation of the dam slope, seepage layer using the specifications of 200 g / 0.3mm/200g acupuncture short double polyester cloth a film, bottom impervious blanket layer using the specifications of 150 g / 0.25 acupuncture short polyester cloth a film, the width is 4000000.
山東萊蕪同利土工合成材料有限公司 版權所有 總經理:陳志強 手機:13863484108
地址:山東省萊蕪市高新區呂花園工業園  電話:0634-5961578 5961579 傳真:0634-5958849 郵箱:lwtongli.cn@163.com
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