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    The use of high strength industrial polypropylene, polyester, nylon and other synthetic fiber as raw material, the original strength has higher. The woven into law after weaving structure, comprehensive carrying capacity further improved. To adapt to a variety of different characteristics, rock and soil engineering a geotextile material requirements and the formation of industrial products. Widely used in rivers, coastal, harbor, road, railway, tunnel, bridge pier, geotechnical engineering, can meet a variety of purposes.


    In the filter layer surrounding the or gravel drainage ditch surrounding underground pipe drainage. Water conservancy project wells, relief wells or inclined pipe filter. The isolation layer of soil between highway, airport, railway ballast and artificial stone and soil fabric. Earth dam internal vertical or horizontal drainage, dissipation of pore water pressure in soil. Water impermeable geomembrane dam or embankment of behind or concrete facing lower. Remove tunnel surrounding infiltration, reduce the drainage engineering lining under external water pressure and the buildings around the seepage are the range of important applications.

    山東萊蕪同利土工合成材料有限公司 版權所有 總經理:陳志強 手機:13863484108
    地址:山東省萊蕪市高新區呂花園工業園  電話:0634-5961578 5961579 傳真:0634-5958849 郵箱:lwtongli.cn@163.com
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